At the end of every year, my husband and I have an “Annual Relationship Meeting” to review the past year, plan for the new one, go over goals, budgets, calendar, etc
… don’t laugh at me, I know it sounds very ‘business-y’ but behind my messy-hair-&-box-wine exterior lies a person who is a wee bit perfectionistic. (Is that a word? I’m rolling with it.)
It was all going great…
… THEN we got to the budget 😳😳😳
I don’t want to tell you how much $$$ I spent on books last year.
I also really didn’t want to tell my husband.
But he found out. ‘Cause “budget” was on the agenda.
I knew I shouldn’t have put that on there.
Anyway, I swore to be more reasonable this year with my book-buying-habits, and to kick it all off, I told him I’d do my own version of Dry January…
Until my friend and I met at a coffee shop next to a used book store.
So that New Year’s resolution has already gone down the drain. 😜
But I ask you… if the book is used, does it count? I technically didn’t **buy** a new book.
Also, I paid in cash so there’s no record.
Being more thoughtful was also one of my New Year’s resolutions 😁
Hugs and please go by all the books for me!
❤️ Olivia ❤️
Side Note: Let me know if you have any book-related New Year’s resolutions! I’m keeping notes for next year 😃
Funny New Year’s Resolution
Impossible things
The struggle is real!

Be Positive
This is exactly what I tell people