About 8 months ago, my husband and I — realizing that we don’t spend a TON of time together with just the two of us — decided to start having monthly “date nights”
(I know… just in time for COVID)
Needless to say, it’s been a lot of eating… in our car… while parked somewhere with a pretty view.
(So about ⅓ romantic… yep, that sounds about right for how I roll!)
But it is a small price to pay to connect/ spend time with/ have deep talks with the man who puts up with all my crazy 🙂
And that got me thinking…
(dangerous, I know 🙂
Why am I not doing this with books??? You know, when that one novel you’ve been waiting for release for over a year (I’m looking at you Ilona Andrews!) finally comes out and you can’t wait to take it out on date…
… to the couch
… with a glass of wine
… and give it all your touchy-feely attention
(Am I the only one who loves the feel of books? No? Okay, moving on…)
So here’s my current plan for a Date-Night-In with myself and my next big read…
I hope this inspires you to do the same and enjoy a romantic evening with some gorgeous fictional characters 🙂
Mystical, Magic romance (… that is super-spicy, this is date night after all 😉
The Rose by Tiffany Reisz

Photo Credit: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38827724-the-rose
BLURB: On the day of Lia’s university graduation party, her parents—wealthy art collectors with friends in high places—gift her a beautiful wine cup, a rare artifact decorated with roses. It’s a stunning gift, and one that August Bowman, a friend of her parents and a guest at Lia’s party, also has his eye on. The cup, August tells her, is known as the Rose kylix, and it’s no ordinary cup. It was used in the temple ceremonies of Eros, Greek god of erotic love, and has the power to bring the most intimate sexual fantasies to life. (and, oh my, it’s good!)
REVIEW: I’ve read several books by this author and have loved EVERY single one. I’m sure this book won’t disappoint!
Champagne – Easy to make PLUS it has bubbles so everybody wins!
Trader Joe’s Cocoa Truffles: If you’ve never had these beautiful little bites of goodness before, seek them out! They are delicious 🙂

Photo Credit: https://www.amazon.com/Trader-Joes-Cocoa-Truffles-8-8/dp/B00AG11VQK/

Have a great week and talk soon!
Your book-addict partner in crime,
❤️ Olivia Savage
PS. Alright, you know I have to always toss in a funny one 😁😂

Photo Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/be6MSSXQQTU7tBQD8