Since we all know that men in real life pretty much suck at romance,
our book boyfriends exist to fill the void.
…But not everyone gets it.
Often my reader-to-non-reader conversations go like this:
“Who’s Gabe again?”
“The bastard son of a millionaire who has a lurid past but a heart of gold.
Also, he’s hot.
Like, I need oven mitts to touch the man.”
“And where did you meet this guy?”
“I didn’t. He’s my book boyfriend. “
#1: Quiet, Brave and Intelligent
Four From Divergent
Four’s story was even more addictive than the original Divergent series.
He is thoughtful and I loved seeing him grow and
change as he switched factions and found his place in Dauntless.
This gave an even more complete picture of the world and characters.
#2: The Arrogant Man We
All Grew to Love
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
The original swoon-worthy book boyfriend.
(He HAD to make an appearance here…
you know you would have been disappointed if he didn’t)
Got to give it to Jane Austin.
The woman knew her stuff! (Jane, we salute you!)
#3: The Billionaire with a
“Hidden Life”
“Christian Grey” from Fifty Shades of Grey
by E.L James
Brooding, sexy, and knows how to use a whip.
I get it. I sooo get it.
#4: A Hard Man with Intense
Discipline, plus Magic 🤩
Jericho Barrons from The Fever Series
Holy living hotness, batman! This book series
is the one that started my original full-on book boyfriend crush.
It doesn’t hurt that the man knows his way around a motorcycle either
… and other things 🙂
#5: The Scotts Man We
Can’t Get Enough Of
Jamie Fraser, Outlander
by Diana Galbon
Because I like Scotts…
or Scotch… nevermind — yes to both!
Plus, the accent gets me every time [**happy sigh**]
#6: A Welsh Shadowhunter
Will Herondale, Clock Work Angel
A handsome man,
with wilt-worthy roguish in looks and manners.
Thoughts, pondering, rants? Feel free to hit “reply”
(this is my personal email address)
Have a great week and talk soon!
Your book-addict partner in crime,
❤️ Olivia Savage
PS. Okay, I saw this, died laughing, and HAD to share it with you 🙂