Books and Chocolate cake have eaten my whole weekend!

I don’t know what happened… But it all started with me reading a hilarious new mystery book series I discovered…  … and by the end: The weekend was over. I’d spent about $35 buying/ reading every book in the series.  And I mayyyy have eaten an entire chocolate cake. The Book: A Curious Beginning, by Deanna RaybournQuick Overview: Set […]

3 No-Fail Ways to Get Kicked Off a Bus

(A tale from romance author Alexis Alvarez) Everything you expect with a cross-country bus ride and more! A story of rebellion, chaos and a bit of illegal smoking… Keep reading for a sneak peek inside the real-life adventures of romance author Alexis Alvarez. FROM ALEXIS: “My worst idea ever was to take the Greyhound bus from Florida […]